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Getting Reorganizations (Reorgs)

The getReorg method allows you to fetch details about blockchain reorganizations. Reorgs occur when a previously accepted chain of blocks is replaced by an alternative chain due to a higher cumulative proof of work. This method is essential for tracking and analyzing potential changes in the blockchain.


fromBlock?: BigNumberish,
toBlock?: BigNumberish
): Promise<ReorgInformation[]>;
  • Parameters:

    • fromBlock?: BigNumberish: (Optional) The starting block number to query reorgs from.
    • toBlock?: BigNumberish: (Optional) The ending block number to query reorgs until.
  • Returns:

    • Promise<ReorgInformation[]>: An array of ReorgInformation objects containing details about detected reorganizations.

Object Definitions

ReorgInformation Object
fromBlockstring | bigintThe block number where the reorganization starts.
toBlockstring | bigintThe block number where the reorganization ends (new chain's head).
timestampnumberThe UNIX timestamp of when the reorganization occurred.

Example Usage

const reorgs = await provider.getReorg(100, 200);

reorgs.forEach((reorg) => {
console.log("Reorg Start Block:", reorg.fromBlock);
console.log("Reorg End Block:", reorg.toBlock);
"Reorg Timestamp:",
new Date(reorg.timestamp * 1000).toISOString()

Best Practices

  • Ensure that the fromBlock and toBlock parameters are within the range of available blocks on the network.
  • Reorgs are rare but crucial events that can affect transaction finality and chain data integrity.
  • The timestamp property provides the exact time of the reorganization, enabling detailed analysis.

What’s Next?

After analyzing reorg data, you can: