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Sending Raw Transaction (Hex)

The sendRawTransaction method allows you to broadcast a raw Bitcoin transaction to the OP_NET network. You can send fully signed transactions in hex format or partially signed transactions in PSBT format.


sendRawTransaction(tx: string, psbt: boolean): Promise<BroadcastedTransaction>;
  • Parameters:

    • tx: string: The raw transaction in hexadecimal format.
    • psbt: boolean:
      • true: Indicates the transaction is in Partially Signed Bitcoin Transaction (PSBT) format.
      • false: Indicates the transaction is a fully signed raw transaction in hex format.
  • Returns:

    • Promise<BroadcastedTransaction>: An object containing details about the broadcast operation.

Object Definitions

BroadcastedTransaction Object
successbooleanIndicates whether the transaction was successfully broadcast.
resultstring(Optional) Transaction ID if the broadcast was successful.
errorstring(Optional) Error message if the broadcast failed.
peersnumber(Optional) Number of peers that accepted the transaction.
identifierbigint | stringUnique identifier for the transaction, which could be the transaction ID or another reference.

Example Usage

Sending a Fully Signed Raw Transaction

const rawTransactionHex = "fce09cbe03..."; // Replace with your raw transaction hex

try {
const result = await provider.sendRawTransaction(rawTransactionHex, false);

if (result.success) {
console.log("Transaction Broadcasted Successfully:");
console.log("Transaction ID:", result.result);
console.log("Peers Accepted:", result.peers);
} else {
console.error("Broadcast Failed:", result.error);
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error Sending Transaction:", error.message);

Sending a PSBT

const psbtHex = "70736274ff0100..."; // Replace with your PSBT in hex format

try {
const result = await provider.sendRawTransaction(psbtHex, true);

if (result.success) {
console.log("PSBT Broadcasted Successfully:");
console.log("Transaction ID:", result.result);
console.log("Peers Accepted:", result.peers);
} else {
console.error("Broadcast Failed:", result.error);
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error Sending PSBT:", error.message);

Best Practices

  • Ensure the tx parameter is correctly formatted:
    • Use raw hex for fully signed transactions.
    • Use PSBT format when psbt: true.
  • Always validate the transaction locally before broadcasting to avoid unnecessary errors.
  • Handle network errors and failures gracefully.

What’s Next?

After broadcasting a transaction, you can: