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How to Trigger a Network Change on OP_WALLET

OP_WALLET allows developers to programmatically request a network change through the switchNetwork method. This is useful for ensuring that users are on the correct network for specific operations, such as interacting with smart contracts or sending transactions.


switchNetwork(network: UnisatNetwork): Promise<void>;
  • Parameters:

    • network: UnisatNetwork: The network to switch to (testnet, mainnet, or regtest).

Example Code

import { UnisatNetwork } from "@btc-vision/transaction";

await opnet.switchNetwork(UnisatNetwork.regtest);

console.log("Network switched to regtest.");

Use getNetwork() to check the current network before requesting a change:

const currentNetwork = await opnet.getNetwork();

if (currentNetwork !== UnisatNetwork.regtest) {
await opnet.switchNetwork(UnisatNetwork.regtest);

Best Practices

  • Notify users when a network switch is requested and completed.
  • If the network switch fails (e.g., unsupported network), display an appropriate error message to the user.

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